*Sigh* Nuru, it's clear that this has started getting to you further, so. *Nuru: MOM, LOOK AT OUR KINGDOM!!!! IT TEARS ME APART TO SEE THIS CHAOS HAPPENING EVERY DAY! I ALMOST WENT DEAF WITH ALL THE EXPLOSIONS AROUND US! AND YOU'RE SAYING YOU WANT THEM TO DIE TO THIS METEOR SHOWER?! How much longer until a BIGGER meteor shows up and wipes us all out?! What do we do then, Mom, huh?! YOU TELL ME!! *Nuru's Mother: I DON'T CARE! I AM YOUR MOTHER, AND YOU WILL DO AS I SAY! *Nuru's Mother: DON'T YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT, YOUNG LADY! *Nuru: I'M 17 YEARS OLD, MOM!! *Nuru: AND DOING NOTHING ABOUT IT ISN'T?! To turn my back on it, would be a DISRESPECT to her grave! *Nuru's Mother: Take it however you want, but I SWORE to MY mother that I would look after my people. *Nuru: THEN YOU HAVE SENTENCED YOUR ENTIRE POPULATION TO DEATH!

*Nuru's Mother: Nuru, this is OUR home! OUR BIRTHRIGHT! We're NOT abandoning it! So I'm afraid we have only one choice: We MUST leave Astrelle. THIS is NOT fair! Innocent people could DIE every time this happens, and I'm surprised we even have a stable population to STILL be a kingdom at all! At this point, if we can't do anything about this kingdom, NOBODY will and at this rate, the meteors will keep coming down until there is nothing left. *Nuru: MOM, THE ENTIRE POINT OF RUNNING A KINGDOM IS TO DO WHAT IS FAIR FOR OUR PEOPLE, AND THIS?!? Nuru, I know it's hard, but we just have to cope with it. Our royal lineage has TRIED every passing day, and only end up failing.

If you WERE in my shoes, wouldn't YOU have found it!? *Nuru: What's even the point?! All we do is pay meteor bonds every other moment because these meteors won't stop coming! How is it that the cause of this curse hasn't been found all these centuries?! I want this kingdom to be free of any reason to live like we're in a neverending war and constantly paying war bonds for property damage.

*Nuru's Mother: Nuru, believe me, I've been in your shoes, and of COURSE it gets to me, but it is what it is. If it wasn't for the trade deals across the nearby kingdoms, we'd have crumbled by now! *Nuru: I CAN'T, MOM! I just, CAN'T! How can you even be okay with this?! Meteors constantly destroy our town, costing us our MASSIVE fortune. *Nuru's Mother: *Sigh* Nuru, don't go out there looking like that! Every time this happens, you act like this. *Nuru's Mother: We need you to sign the waivers for rebuilding what has been destroyed.